As of the 26th June 2021 Urban Synergies Group transformed into an open network with the core function to enable synergies and flow of energy into outside the box projects that seek to have impact on vulnerable communities across the Global North and South.
Category Archives: News
Happy festive season greetings
Dear all urban health and wellbeing friends out there. This year has been like no other. In particular for all of us that advocate for health and wellbeing in cities, it has been a very busy year. We hope that all of you can take some time to rest, reflect, keep up the positive spirit and recharge for a transformative 2021. From all of us here at Urban Synergies Group we wish you a very happy festive season. May 2021 embody the change you wish to see in the world.
2020 a year without public space – Symposium
Reflection and outlook to a post- pandemic world. This unique symposium will bring together the global community of researchers and activists that stand up for public space. Be part of the conversation and learn more about this collaboration in which our team is playing a role in delivering. We will make a contribution to health in high density urban environment stream. The symposium will take place on the 6th- 7th November 2020. Learn more under the following link:
Urban Thinkers Campus 5.0 on Smart Cities
In close collaboration with the Institute of Public Enterprise, Action Aid Association India and Queensland University of Technology, our Founder Dr Gregor Mews was invited to deliver the Inaugural address as part of the Urban Thinkers Campus 5.0 Making cities smart and sustainable, interactive, engaging and inspiring. The event takes place on the 15th September 2020.
Right to the city for children: from value driven discourse to transformative action webinar
We are part of a global webinar series initiated by City Space Architecture and the Chinese University of Hong Kong ‘2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic‘. Be part of the conversation and register for this free event on Thursday September 10, 2.00 – 3.30pm CET. There is a stellar line up of expert speakers from around the world. More information about this event can be accessed here:
Translating urban loveability into action in a post-COVID-19 world
by Dr. Gregor Mews, Queensland University of Technology, School of Design
Cumulatively the COVID-19 pandemic, social justice issues, climate emergency and the extreme biodiversity loss create an unprecedented opportunity in human history to critically reflect on the state of health and wellbeing. It has become now evident that the impact of the environment affects all of us individually, on community level as well as on societal level on a profound level, which can indeed promote or inhibit mental and physical health (Dannenberg et al., 2011). In accordance to the World Health Organisation health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organisation, 1948). The environment can be defined holistically as the result of external (or nongenetic) factors including physical, nutritional, social, behavioural and others that act on humans and the built environment is produced of (Dannenberg et al., 2011). Therefore, it is important to recognise that on every level our health and wellbeing is profoundly impacted by the environment.
On the individual subjective and perceivable level, the crisis touches us on a profound and meaningful level through personal feelings, sensations and experiences as part of our everyday life. Sennett rightly observed that the subjective experience of life undergoes a form of transformation and making a person turn outward (Sennett, 1990). Many of us can experience mental fatigue, depression, stress and anxiety- the pandemic becomes ‘very real’ and will have an outward effect. The disruption affects the production process of the social fabric of our communities and puts its connectedness and resilience to test. Local businesses are closed and people appropriate spaces between buildings in new ways. For example, people playing music on balconies in Italy. The immediate impact on the societal level occurs on a more conceived and abstract level as the full impact of the pandemic has yet to be mapped out. However, disruptions to the economics of societies suggest that business as usual is over. The public health community has long ago recognised that the connection and preventive measures is more than lowering the risks of morbidity (Schmidt, 2007). The answer is apparent, we need collective interdisciplinary collaboration that leads to transformative actions in the environment in a holistic way (Mews et al., 2018). There is sufficient evidence that suggests the way how we design and engage with the environment can enable healing conditions in which one can realise the transformative potential to feel positive in different places. Toolkits and professional expert advice are available. Consequently, the design process for a healing starts in cities. The general public and the elements that constitute the social fabric might be the right starting point to reinvigorate together an evidence-based ‘glocalised’ (we are all in this together), context and cultural specific discourse on the ‘new normal’ in relation to our collective state of health and wellbeing. In fact, urban scholars such as Georg Simmel (1903) have foreseen this long ago and realised that “The decisive fact that in the life of a city, struggle with nature for the means of life is transformed into a conflict with human beings, and the gain which is fought for is granted, not by nature, but by man.” Since the immediate impact is intensively felt on the individual level, the ‘new normal’ must be approached conceptually as part of people’ s everyday life experience such as walking around the neighbourhood or the way we engage with each other. For example, in our recent project with the Danish NGO Dreamtown in Sierra Leone we were actively seeking dialog and feedback from community members in informal settlements related to their health and wellbeing.
We all have a choice! Perhaps we should utilise this precious moment to engage in a meaningful qualified discourse to renegotiate the way how we socially produce spaces for everyday life in cities and imbue physicality with new meaning, reconnect to nature and embrace a paradigm that reminds us what makes us human beings. This decisive moment in human history can be utilised to shift our collective paradigm from ‘urban liveability’ to ‘urban loveability’. It is noteworthy to mention that pre-CORVID19 the urban policy focus focused on urban liveability associated with global rankings that attract resource rich and well-informed minorities instead of creating meaningful outcomes for people equitable across urban systems. This model is over-reliant on reductionist approaches that measure quantitatively physical qualities of the environment without taking the necessary internal dimension (non-physical) environment and local context into consideration. Under the pressures to sustain the basic level of living, people seek ways to cater to their basic needs. The current health crisis highlights and brings deficiencies to the fore and that have insufficiently addressed in policies and underfunded within the pre-CORVID19 paradigm. So far this remains unresolved.
On the contrary ‘urban loveability’ represents the next evolutionary step of liveability by taking context specific qualitative measures into consideration. It takes the local context and the internal dimension (people’s experience and mind) into consideration. By definition ‘urban loveability’ can be characterised as positive, voluntary, and intrinsic feeling, or compassionate affection, turned into a positive action that can be observed by others (Fredslund Ottosen & Mews, 2019). It uplifts the human spirit in each of us on an individual and on a collective level as part of the ordinary everyday life. Urban lovability can improve the wellbeing with a sense of immediacy, by starting to pay attention to the details of our daily existence and struggle.
While currently many people around the world experience high levels of anxiety, stress and depression we also witnessing incredible acts of kindness and actions aimed to lift the collective community spirit (see youtube clip below published by the NEW YORKER).
In conclusion, let us all engage in an active discourse to renegotiate and emphasis what is of value in your own life and within our respected communities as well as societies. Now it is the time to agree on a new paradigm followed by meaningful transformative actions that turn words into actions and bring us closer together than ever before. After all we are indeed all in this together. Have the dialog related to positive actions on community and societal level (Freire, 1996) in your city or community. Step up and become a leader. With this new paradigm of ‘urban loveability’ we can make ethically conscious use of digital technology in service of a shared vision of a cities for all in which we can co-produce well -balanced healthy, just, safe, accessible, affordable, resilient and sustainable environments as outlined in New Urban Agenda (United Nations, 2017).
Dannenberg, A. L., Frumkin, H., & Jackson, R. (2011). Making healthy places: designing and building for health, well-being, and sustainability. Island Press.
Fredslund Ottosen, N., & Mews, G. H. (2019). Exploring New Horizons for Youth Wellbeing and Public Space in Sierra Leone. In M. Hanzl, Reilly. J., Agrawal, M., (Ed.), Planning for Metropolitan Area (Vol. Reivew 15, pp. 332-349 ). ISOCARP
Freire, P. (1996). Pedagogy of the oppressed (revised). New York: Continuum.
Mews, G., Muminovic, M., & Tranter, P. (2018). Time for action. Implementing the New Urban Agenda in public spaces for health and wellbeing. The Journal of Public Space, 3(1), 193-202.
Schmidt, C. W. (2007). Environmental connections: a deeper look into mental illness. 115(Aug), A404-A410. 101289/ehp.115-a404
Sennett, R. (1990). The Conscience of the Eye. Faber and Faber.
Simmel, G. (1903). The metropolis and mental life. In J. J. Gieseking, W. Mangold, C. Katz, S. Low, & S. Saegert (Eds.), The People, Place, and Space Reader. Routledge Ltd.
United Nations. (2017). New Urban Agenda (H. I. Secretariat, Ed.) [Outcome document]. UN-Habitat.
World Health Organisation. (1948, The definition has not been amended since 1948.). Preamble of the Constitution of WHO as adopted by the International Health Conference. WHO. Retrieved 31 March from
Making a difference at the 10th World Urban Forum
2020 starts with an exciting range of advocacy activities for us during the upcoming World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi (8-13th February 2020). Together with a fine selection of international partners we will advocate for positive change & evidence based design, share knowledge and reflect on our experiences to improve health and well-being in urban systems with children and youth in mind. The following list includes an overview of our activities during WUF10. These are all open and free to access. Come and join the conversation. In case you can’t make it and wish to be in the loop- don’t worry we have thought of it. If the internet is strong enough our team will direct broadcast on our facebook page from our joined sessions:
Session 1: Public space interventions in urban slums: a catalyst for the wellbeing of young people, 9th February, 2-4 pm, Room 2 Hall 2, Convention Centre Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Session 2: The Journal of Public Space, 9th February, 5 pm, Urban Library, Convention Centre Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Session 3: Public Space and Cultural Continuity in the Digital Age, 10th February, 2-3 pm, Exhibition hall – City Space Architecture booth, Convention Centre Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Session 4: Public space and health, 11th February, 12:30pm – 1:30pm, Hall 2, Room 8 , Convention Centre Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Session 5: Public space for and with children , 11th February, 4.30 – 6.30 pm Hall 3 room 13, Convention Centre Abu Dhabi, UAE.
On top of these five key engagements our team will be rotating and actively participating in the World Urban Campaign Steering Committee, ISOCARP events and GAP meetings. We will use the following hastags #GlobalGoals #WUF10 #PublicSpace #Children #Youth #SGD #healthycities
Want to meet us during WUF10 reach out via email to info (at) We will get back to you. Under the following link you can access the WUF10 website.
Happy festive season from all of us at Urban Synergies Group
“Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.” Voltaire
May the new year bring peace, love and happiness all around! Let’s be kindness and compassion be the new paradigm of human existence no matter what we do and think privately as well as professionally.
Urban Synergies Group thanks its team and all our partners and followers all the very best for 2020.
Urban Thinkers campus: Urban Design, Economic Growth and the jobs of the future
Urban Synergies Group is partnering up once more with James Cook University to shed light on contemporary urban issues impacting the health and well-being of people that live in the tropical parts of the world. Our Founder will deliver a keynote on the ‘Right to the City” as a critique of the neoliberal urban conditions that gave rise to disproportional inequalities, spatial fragmentation and alienation. The event will take place on the 25- 27th November 2019 in Cairns, Australia. To register or to obtain more information visit the following link: . We hope to see you there.
(In)visibilities and public space
Urban Synergies Group in collaboration with the University of Canberra and Technical University of Berlin offers a platform to engage in a qualified discourse around urban analysis and novel tools for urban designers and architects in order to understand how we socially produce public spaces over time and contribute through non-instrumental behaviours to public life. Be part of the visionary conversation in Berlin, Germany. More information can be accessed here: